Let your car
work for you!

Looking to make some extra cash? Enter your car’s details to see what owners of similar vehicles are earning.
$This estimate is based on the price recommended for your car by Drive mate, for 8 days of rental per month.
List your car

Sharing Your Car
Why Drive mate’s Better

You’ll earn on average 20% more sharing your car on Drive mate compared to other similar platforms. Hire rates and availability are also completely up to you, and with Drive mate’s unmatched comprehensive insurance cover, you really can’t go wrong.​

Australia’s Most Trusted Car Sharing Service
Knowing your car’s fully covered by a locally operated insurance company provides the ultimate peace of mind to all our hosts.
With Drive mate Protection you get a top-notch comprehensive policy ensuring our hosts never have to worry about their vehicles while they’re out making them money.
Guests Screened for Ultra-Secure Sharing
We screen everyone’s request to join us, meaning whoever rents your car is a verified Drive mate member who’s passed our strict eligibility criteria. Our progressive review system also allows hosts to check out guests’ feedback before accepting bookings.
Cutting-Edge Technology
Proprietary technology which allows keyless access, tracking & immobilisation. This state-of-the-art functionality provides the ultimate assurance that your car remains safe and is convenient for guests to access 24/7.

Here’s how it works

Sign up and start earning!

Aussies everywhere are looking for cars to rent. If you’re not using your car, why not turn that garage time into cash?

Check out this short video explaining everything you need to know as a Drive mate host.

Provide your ride to neighbours in need. Easy, effortless car sharing done right.

Get booking requests
Sit back and wait for peers to view and book your ad listing.
Rent out your car
You’re in full control of your pricing, availability, accepting or declining. We’ve also got you covered with our extensive insurance policy.
Start earning money
Let your car work for you. Within 3-5 days of the completed trip, you will receive your payment directly into your bank account.
You ask we answer
How much can I earn as a host?
Is it safe to rent out my car to a stranger?
How much does it cost to list a car?
Why should I share my car?
What protection do I have against car damage?
Is it compulsory to rent out if I sign up my car?
I am already sharing my car on another platform. Why should I use Drive mate?
What happens if my car is in the workshop and can't be rented out?
How can guests access my car on a Drive mate trip?